RRREC FEST “The Showcase”

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RRREC FEST “The Showcase”
Music – Movie – Bazaar

Minggu, 7 April 2013, 17:00 – 23:00 WIB
Halaman Teater Jakarta – Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Cikini, Jakarta Pusat

Bintang Tamu:
Hightime Rebellion
Sentimental Moods

Adict Adict!, Cobra!, Demajors, GaLaw (Gambar Selaw), Ika Vantiani, Kelas Pagi Jakarta, Kineforum, Niddle n Bitch, PALU, Ruru Shop, Serrum

Donasi Rp10.000,-

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Siaran Pers:

ruangrupa kembali mempersembahkan RRREC Fest (ruangrupa Record Festival) , kali ini dalam bentuk showcase, bertajuk RRREC Fest “The Showcase” yang akan berlangsung pada Minggu, 7 April 2013 di Halaman Teater Jakarta Taman Ismail Marzuki, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat. Gelaran ini diadakan berupa showcase atau program awal menuju festival besar RRREC Fest ke-3 yang akan diselenggarakan pada akhir 2013 ini. Sebelumnya festival ini diselenggarakan pertama kali pada penghujung 2010 lalu sebagai bagian dari perhelatan Decompression #10 – ruangrupa’s 10th Anniversary di Galeri Nasional Indonesia, dan RRREC Fest ke-2 diadakan pada akhir 2011 selama 3 hari di kawasan Cikini, Jakarta Pusat.

Program utama RRREC Fest “The Showcase” adalah konser musik, yang didukung oleh program pemutaran film dan bazaar yang menjual produk seni serta produk kreatif dari seniman muda, kelompok/organisasi/komunitas seni dan mahasiswa-mahasiwa di Jakarta. Seperti untuk RRRec Fest #2, kurator yang memilih bintang tamu, tim artistik, dan pendukung kedua program lainnya dalam festival ini adalah The Secret Agents (Indra Ameng dan Keke Tumbuan).

Band yang tampil dalam showcase kali ini yaitu: SIGMUN, HIGHTIME REBELLION, JIRAPAH dan SENTIMENTAL MOODS, adalah para musisi yang tergolong masih baru dan belum merilis album penuh. Walaupun begitu, saat ini mereka tengah merekah ke permukaan skena musik lokal karena gairah mereka dalam bermain musik mampu menciptakan kreasi unik dalam setiap penampilannya yang impresif dan telah berhasil menghasilkan lagu-lagu dengan komposisi musik yang memukau.

Untuk program film, kami akan memutarkan pilihan karya film pendek dan video lokal yang memiliki relasi khusus dengan musik dalam hubungannya dengan kehidupan masyarakat kota. Karya-karya yang dipilih ini semuanya dikerjakan dengan prinsip kerja film dokumenter. Selain itu secara khusus kami akan memutarkan potongan adegan dari film “Ambisi” (1973), karya sutradara besar Nya Abbas Akup. Film ini menampilkan tokoh-tokoh ternama di dunia musik lokal seperti: Bing Slamet, Benyamin S, Koes Plus, Bimbo, dan God Bless, karenanya kami “highlight” secara khusus sebagai penghormatan atas dokumentasi yang berharga bagi sejarah musik lokal.

Program bazaar mengikutsertakan mereka yang termasuk paling aktif berkesenian ataupun menyokong kegiatan kesenian di dunia kreatif lokal saat ini yaitu: Serrum, Ika Vantiani, Kineforum, Cobra!, Demajors, GaLaw (Gambar Selaw), Kelas Pagi Jakarta, Niddle n Bitch, PALU, Ruru Shop, dan sekelompok mahasiswa Adict Adict!

Soal lokasi, Halaman Teater Jakarta yang terletak dalam Kompleks Taman Ismail Marzuki Pusat Kesenian Jakarta, kami pilih sebagai tempat acara karena sifatnya sebagai sebuah ruang publik yang bisa digunakan bersama demi kepentingan memajukan dinamika kegiatan kesenian dan praktek kebudayaan lainnya. Ruang terbuka ini cukup ideal untuk digunakan bagi siapapun yang ingin mengadakan kegiatan kesenian. Panggung musik yang ditempatkan disini akan menawarkan suasana festival dengan tingkat keakraban sosial yang besar, bersatu dengan bazaar produk-produk kreatif karya para seniman Ibu Kota.

RRREC Fest didedikasikan untuk menemukan, menampilkan, mempromosikan, mempertemukan, menyebarkan, dan menjaga keberlangsungan gagasan kreatif serta potensi yang dimiliki para musisi/band/performer dan seniman lokal. Kami memilih untuk mengadakan festival musik dengan kesadaran untuk membuat sebuah platform bagi terciptanya sebuah meeting point antar seniman dari berbagai disiplin (khususnya seni rupa, musik dan film), dan antara seniman dengan publiknya, serta menjadikan festival kecil ini suatu peristiwa tersendiri yang dapat menginspirasi banyak orang.

Sesuai judul festival ini, RRREC Fest (ruangrupa Record Festival) dimaksudkan untuk mendokumentasikan energi dari generasi musik lokal terbaru baik dalam bentuk audio maupun video, dan juga agar acara ini terekam dalam jiwa para penggemar musik yang menghadiri acara ini.

Festival ini diselenggarakan dengan bekerjasama dengan banyak sahabat, kawan dan pihak sponsor yang sebelumnya kerap bekerja seiring dengan kami. Untuk tata artistik panggung kami bekerjasama dengan Serrum, organisasi seniman yang banyak mengerjakan beragam proyek seni rupa. Program pemutaran film kami kerjakan bersama kineforum Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, sebuah bioskop alternatif terpadu pertama di Jakarta. Sedangkan untuk perekaman dalam format video, kami bekerjasama dengan Forum Lenteng, sebuah organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang pengembangan medium audio visual, khususnya film dokumenter. Selain itu, kami juga secara khusus mengundang beberapa kolektif seniman untuk terlibat dalam acara ini. Cut and Rescue, untuk menbuat artwork dan desain khusus acara ini. Tim photographer militan, Irockumentary untuk mengabadikan acara ini ke dalam medium fotografi, dan kelompok Gambar Selaw yang akan merekam acara ini ke dalam karya sketsa.

Jakarta, 5 April 2013,

Indra Ameng
(Festival Director)

Artwork RRR oleh: Cut and rescue

Acara ini terselenggara atas kerjasama dengan:
Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, Kineforum, Forum Lenteng, Serrum

didukung oleh:
Green Sands, Dinas Pariwisata DKI Jakarta, PKJ TIM, Tan Ek Tjoan, Restoran Trio, The Hangover House

Media Partner:
Majalah Cobra!, Deathrockstar, Gigsplay, Svana Paper, Shutter Beater, IRockumentary, Visual Jalanan, Jakarta Beat, Whiteboard Journal, Cinema Poetica, Geeksbible, Freemagz.com, Demajors Radio, Hujan! Radio, Rurushop Radio

Info lebih lanjut:

e: info@ruangrupa.org
h: rrrec.ruangrupa.org | ruangrupa.org
t: @rrrec_fest | @ruangrupa


Press Release:

ruangrupa presents
RRREC Fest “The Showcase”
Music / Movie / Bazaar
Sunday, 7 April 2013, 17.00 – 23.00
at Teater Jakarta Square, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Cikini, Central Jakarta.

Featuring: Sigmun, Hightime Rebellion, Jirapah, and Sentimental Moods.

ruangrupa will be orchestrating the third RRREC Fest (ruangrupa Record Festival) by the end of 2013, but first it will be preceded by a “warming-up” event, which is presented in the form of a showcase entitled RRREC Fest “The Showcase”. The showcase event is held on Sunday, 7th April 2013, at Teater Jakarta Square in Taman Ismail Marzuki Cikini, Central Jakarta. Previously, this festival was first held on the end of 2010, as part of ruangrupa’s 10th anniversary celebration “Decompression #10″, at the National Gallery of Indonesia. The second RRRec Fest (Rrrec Fest #2) was held on the end of 2011, as a three day festival, featuring programs held at venues around Central Jakarta, mostly within the Cikini area.

The main program of RRREC Fest “The Showcase” is a music concert, accompanied by supplementary programs such as film screenings as well as a bazaar that offers products of creativity, alongside works by upcoming artists and art organizations / communities / groups, plus students in Jakarta. Identical to RRRec Fest #2, the curators selecting the performing artists, the artistic team, and the programs participants for this event are Indra Ameng and Keke Tumbuan (also known as “The Secret Agents”).

The bands performing in this showcase, namely: SIGMUN, HIGHTIME REBELLION, JIRAPAH and SENTIMENTAL MOODS, are amongst those who are still considered new in the local music scene and have yet released their first full albums. Even so, at this point in time they have blossomed upwards on to the top surface of our local music scene, for they are driven by their passion in achieving good music that can potentially generate unique creations within each and every one of their performances that are impressive and have successfully produced numerous songs with outstanding music arrangements.

For the film screenings program, there will be a selection of short films and local video works that are especially in close relation to music and its relationship with people and the urban lifestyle. All the chosen film and video works for the screening program are those that were made using the principle style of documentary films. Aside from that, we will show scene footages of the film “Ambisi” (1973), by the legendary director Nya Abbas Akup. This film features some of the most popular names in the local music scene of that era, such as: Bing Slamet, Benyamin S, Koes Plus, Bimbo, and God Bless; therefore it will be shown as a “highlight” of this event, as a gesture of our respect for this precious documentation of our local music history.

The bazaar program is participated by those belonging to a group of people and communities that are most active in creating, as well as supporting, plentiful artistic activities in the local creative scene of today. They are: Serrum, Ika Vantiani, Kineforum, Cobra!, Demajors, GaLaw (Gambar Selaw), Kelas Pagi Jakarta, Niddle n Bitch, PALU, Ruru Shop, and a students club called Adict Adict!

The location of this showcase event, Teater Jakarta Square that is inside the compound of Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta Arts Centre, was chosen for its reputation as a public space that can be utilized by all, in the best interests of improving the dynamics of activities in arts and other cultural practices. This public space is idyllic enough to be used by anyone who wants to organize artistic events. A music stage placed in this area definitely offers a festival ambiance with a tremendous intimately social atmosphere, entwined by a bazaar filled with creative products that are made by artists of the Capital City.

RRREC Fest is dedicated to finding, displaying, promoting, uniting, spreading, and keeping the flow of creative ideas and the strength possessed by musicians / bands / performers, together with local artists. We choose to held this music festival, with the cognizance of creating a platform for the creation of a meeting point between artists from various backgrounds (especially fine art, music, and film), between artists and their public; also to develop this small event to become a one of its kind occasion that can inspire people.

Like the name of this festival, RRREC Fest (ruangrupa Record) is intended to document the spirit of the contemporary local music generation, in audio as well as in video or any form of visual imagery, and also to create a memory that will be recorded within the soul of every music lovers attending this event.

This festival is done by collaborating with many of our dear friends, acquaintances, and sponsors that have previously worked together with us. For the stage artistic designs, we collaborate with Serrum, an artists’ organization that have done various art projects. The film-screening program is collaboration with kineforum DKJ, the first and only alternative movie theatre in Jakarta. And for video documentation, we work together with Forum Lenteng, an organization that focuses on developing the audio-visual medium, especially in documentary films. Aside from all that, we specifically invited a few artist’ collectives to be involved in this event; Cut and Rescue for their unique artwork and the show’s distinctive designs, IRockumentary to document the event using photography as their medium, and Gambar Selaw club that will document the event by drawing sketches.

Jakarta, 5 April 2013,

Indra Ameng
(Festival Director)

This event is feasible through our collaboration with: Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ), Kineforum, Forum Lenteng, and Serrum

And the support from: Green Sands, DKI Jakarta Department of Tourism, TIM Jakarta Arts Centre, Tan Ek Tjoan Bakery, Trio Restaurant, and The Hangover House

Media Partners : Majalah Cobra!, Deathrockstar, Gigsplay, Svana Paper, Shutter Beater, IRockumentary, Visual Jalanan, Jakarta Beat, Whiteboard Journal, Cinema Poetica, Geeksbible, Freemagz.com, Demajors Radio, Hujan! Radio, Rurushop Radio.

More info on: rrrec.ruangrupa.org | ruangrupa.org | follow us on Twitter: @rrrec_fest | @ruangrupa

And get up-dated on our activities: www.facebook.com/rrrecfest 


Please visit www.ruangrupa.org and follow us on twitter @ruangrupa. Also visit www.okvideofestival.org , www.jakarta32c.org , www.rrrec.ruangrupa.org , www.karbonjournal.org, www.jarakpandang.net and join our group Facebook ruangrupa.

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