ruangrupa mempersembahkan:

Pameran Tunggal Saleh Husein

Kurator: M.G. Pringgotono

Jumat, 19 Oktober | 19.00 wib – selesai

Dimeriahkan oleh para Music Selectah:
David Tarigan
The Secret Agents

20 Oktober – 2 November 2012 (kecuali hari Minggu)
11.00 – 21.00 wib

di RURU Gallery
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 6
Jakarta Selatan 12820


Saleh Husein menempuh pendidikan di jurusan Seni Lukis, Fakultas Seni Rupa, Institut Kesenian Jakarta. Selain dikenal sebagai gitaris grup musik White Shoes & The Couples Company, dan The Adams, ia juga seorang seniman yang terlibat dalam berbagai perhelatan seni rupa, seperti “Jakarta Biennale XIII 2009: ARENA” di Jakarta; “Occupying Space: ASEAN Performance Art Event” di Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta. Pameran “Riwayat Saudagar” di RURU Gallery ini adalah pameran tunggal pertamanya.

Pada pameran tunggalnya ini Saleh –yang lahir di Jedah pada tahun 1982, dari keluarga keturunan Arab Jawa– akan beriwayat mengenai sesuatu yang personal, semacam urusan keluarga, namun seru untuk selalu diceritakan lagi bagaimana perjalanan leluhur-luhur kita seakan penuh akal dalam menjalani hidupnya. Mereka berhijrah, berdagang, bekerja, berbaur dan beranak pinak. Cerita-cerita seperti itu memang selalu mengundang keakraban, tidak peduli berasal dari etnis apapun. Ruang pamer RURU Gallery juga tidak luput digambari oleh Saleh yang memang sering berkarya mural. Ia memulai karyanya ini lewat riset hingga kemudian bereksperimen dengan data, lukis, drawing, video dan cara bertutur baru bagi dirinya sendiri. Sekaligus mengajak pengunjung untuk lebih memahami siapa kita.

RURU Gallery mengundang seniman muda M.G. Pringgotono untuk bekerja sebagai kurator pameran kali ini. M.G. menempuh pendidikan seni rupa di Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Ia adalah salah seorang pendiri SERRUM, kelompok yang fokus pada pengkajian masalah-masalah sosial perkotaan melalui seni rupa berbasis pendidikan, di mana program mereka meliputi proyek dan pameran seni rupa, propaganda grafis, street art, mural, maupun penerbitan komik. Terakhir pada 2011, ia mengikuti program residensi seniman bertema “Urban Research Project” di Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Korea Selatan.

Karya Saleh Husein dalam pameran ini merupakan eksplorasi dari medium seni gambar yang menghadirkan isu-isu berkaitan dengan soal migrasi, percampuran budaya, sejarah dan tentunya identitas.

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t: twitter.com/ruangrupa / #ruangrupa
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e: info@ruangrupa.org
t/f: +62 (0) 21 830 4220



ruangrupa presents:

A Solo Exhibition of Saleh Husein

Curated by: M.G. Pringgotono

Friday, 19 October | 7 pm – finish

Featuring the Music Selectahs:
David Tarigan
The Secret Agents

20 October – 2 November 2012 (except for Sundays)
11 am – 9pm

at RURU Gallery
Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No. 6
Jakarta Selatan 12820

This is a FREE event!

Saleh Husein went through education at the Paintings Department of the Arts Faculty, in the Art Institute of Jakarta. Besides being widely known as a guitarist for the bands White Shoes & The Couples Company and The Adams, he is also an artist who has been involved in various art events; namely the “Jakarta Biennale XIII 2009: ARENA” and “Occupying Space: Performance Art Event ASEAN”, both at National Gallery of Indonesia in Jakarta. This exhibition in RURU Gallery, entitled “The History of Merchants” (“Riwayat Saudagar”), is his first solo exhibition.

Saleh, who was born in Jeddah (the Mecca province of Arab) in 1982 and is a descendant of a Javanese – Arabian family, will be revealing something personal in this debut solo exhibition. It, in a way, is a family affair; but yet interesting to put in the spotlight once every while, respecting the journeys of our ancestors and their savvy ways of living their life. They emigrated, traded, worked, mingled, and procreated. Such stories are always enticing to intimacy, no matter what etnicity you belong to. RURU Gallery will be filled with drawings by Saleh, who generally does murals. He began working for this project with research; followed by experimenting with data, paintings, drawings, videos, and alternative means of communicating, even for himself. Simultaneously, he invites visitors to better understand who we are.

RURU Gallery solicited a young artist, M.G. Pringgotono, to act as the curator for this exhibition. M.G. studied fine art at Jakarta State University and is one of the founders of SERRUM, a group that focuses on the study of urban social issues through education-based fine art. Their programs include projects and art exhibitions, graphic propagandas, street art, murals, and publishing comic books. In 2011, he participated in an artist residency program at Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, South Korea, themed “Urban Research Project”.

In this exhibition, Saleh’s works are exploring the art of drawing as the medium, presenting issues on the subjects of migration, cultural mélanges, history, and, needless to say, of identity.

w: ruangrupa.org
t: twitter.com/ruangrupa / #ruangrupa
f: facebook.com/pages/ruangrupa/
e: info@ruangrupa.org
t/f: +62 (0) 21 830 4220


  • […] Riwayat Saudagar: Saleh Husein’s solo exhibition by shinta on Oct 18, 2012 • 2:34 pm No Comments The White Shoes and The Couples Company‘s guitarist-slash-painter Saleh Husein a.k.a Ale will hold his solo exhibition titled “Riwayat Saudagar” or The Merchant History curated by Mg. Pringgodono. Through this exhibition, Ale traces his mercenary roots and exposes issues on migration, history, cultures blending, history and identity. More information (in Indonesian) here. […]

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